Friday, April 07, 2006

Family photo!

Oh how I love them; let me count the ways....!
1. We love each other for who we are.
2. Laughter is a given. :)
3. All my hysterical habits are understood (and mocked) by them.
4. Each person is so special and has so many neat qualities about him / her.
5. They are all very "amigable" (friendly/personal).
6. My family is open and willing to have an adventure...or should I say, adventure finds our family?!
7. God is acknowledged and praised as the Lord of life!

Notice how I'm the up and coming shortest in my family! ;)


Nikki Gerrits said...

I was just browsing by here through Rebekah Fluit's sight and noticed that your sister was in my class when I was student teaching at Calvin Christian in Hamilton last year. AND I think you and I should get in contact because I'm teaching at a missionary school in Romania.

Theresa said...

Hi Nikki!
Thanks for taking a look at my blog! :) I'm "jealous" of your time teaching my sister, Bethany; I don't spend as much time with her as I'd like.

By all means, please go ahead and email me -

:) Theresa