Monday, February 18, 2008

pursuing holiness

"But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written, 'Be holy, because I am holy.'" 1 Peter 1:15-16

What does it mean to live a holy life, specifically, in the infamously affluent North America? This question has been on my mind for quite some time. Jerry Bridges offers some good, solid reflection material in his book The Pursuit of Holiness. Filled with Scripture, challenges, and encouragement, he walks the reader through the precarious balance between the work Christ already did to make us holy (a promise we can hold to) and the command we must live out to be holy.
I know my quotes won't do justice to his overall message, and there are too many good ones to pick out. :) However, they're a start for your reflection on the command of the Lord to be holy.

"...every time we sin, we are doing something God hates. He hates our lustful thoughts, our pride and jealousy, our outbursts of temper, and our rationalization that the ends justifies the means. We need to be gripped by the fact that God hates all these things. We become so accustomed to our sins we sometimes lapse into a state of peaceful coexistence with them, but God never ceases to hate them" (32).

"The holiness of God is an exceedingly high standard, a perfect standard. But it is nevertheless one that He holds us to. He cannot do less. While it is true that He accepts us solely through the merit of Christ, God's standards for our character, our attitudes, our affections, and actions is, 'Be holy, because I am holy.' We must take this seriously if we are to grow in holiness" (34).

"God has provided all we need for our pursuit of holiness. He has delivered us from the reign of sin and given us His indwelling Holy Spirit. He has revealed His will for holy living in His Word, and He works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose....Surely He has not commanded us to be holy without providing the means to be holy. The privilege of being holy is yours, and the decision and responsibility to be holy is yours. If you make that decision, you will experience the fullness of joy which Christ has promised to those who walk in obedience to Him" (157-158).

Bridges, Jerry. The Pursuit of Holiness. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress, 1978.

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