Monday, July 17, 2006


After classes ended, I worked in my classroom for a few days cleaning, organizing, etc. Then…the real adventure began. I went backpacking in Costa Rica and Panama with two fellow teachers, Krystal and Naomi!

It was sooo fun to be adventuresome and flexible as we journeyed along amidst the local “chicken buses” and the plenteous youth hostels. The general plan was in place, but half of the fun was being spontaneous! :)

Trip highlights:
- Spending a LOT of time with Krystal and Naomi…many deep talks and hysterical laughs!
- Hiking in the tropical rainforest! We saw a tonne of really cool animals and insects. We have such a creative God! (The picture on the right is a sloth - camouflaged).
- Seeing the third most active volcano in the world: Arenal in Costa Rica. Fabulous! (The volcano is in the picture below with Krystal, but it's covered with clouds at the time).
- Swimming in the ocean…always a treat. (Never mind that Krystal and I almost drowned by a terrible rip tide. Yikes!)
- Being totally amazed at how in each step of the way God provided people to “look out” for us (so many locals were suddenly “there for us” in potentially dangerous situations).
-Being “Dutch” and trying to find the best deals in town. He he he.
-Seeing the Panama Canal and the ancient ruins in the city.
-Surfing! It was hard at first, but with determination I was able to get up!


Anonymous said...

will need to see some more pictures, if possible. Everything is an adventure for you, isn't it? Almost drowning? Sounds like you. You do live on the edge, don't you? :)

Theresa said...

Yes, always an adventure. And yes, we did almost drown (it was freaky!) I don't know if I'd say I live on the edge, but I do like to try new things. ;)
More pics for sure!