Sunday, November 23, 2008

overwhelmed by the good stuff

I must admit that sometimes I get overwhelmed.
There seems to be so many opportunities in life and it is so difficult to know how to best spend my time. That probably best sums up the reason for no blogs the past month.

There are the regular things I need to do (and also like to do):
-teach and all the prep work for it and extra-curricular stuff
-sleep (of course)

There are the things I love to do and want to do MORE of (and that I also "need" to do):
-study and memorize Scripture
-volunteer and actively share Christ with others
-be a more active encouragement in my church (and school and family)
-pray more, for so many things: persecuted church, world events, students, family members, spiritual eyes to be opened, etc.
-keep up-to-date on current events around the world
-take action for social justice causes

And then there are the "other" things I still would like to add in:
-study Spanish and speak it with people in my community
-play piano
-learn to play various sports better
-read more, both novels and edifying books on theology, religion, world cultures, etc.
-get to know my neighbours
-become further educated in order to better do my job

How does one balance visiting one's family and visiting the shut-ins? serving in my teacher role and serving in the broader community? keeping myself healthy and giving of myself?

I realize some of the above things can be combined (ex. memorize Scripture while cleaning dishes, praying or encouraging while walking, etc), but it does seem difficult to "do it all." Am I trying to do too many selfish things?

The options just seem boundless and I often feel like I really end up doing "nothing" since I try to do "everything." That can feel frustrating and causes me to question if I'm using my gifts and talents wisely.

I long to live intentionally, purposefully, and in a Christ-exalting way.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Oh, Theresa, isn't that the struggle that we all face as Christians?? But i will let you know that you are "doing" things... the beautiful letter of a sister in Christ which i received in the mail unexpectedly two days ago, was a huge encouragement for me and know that it was immensely appreciated! It seems always a struggle to keep our lives in step with Christ but a struggle which has great rewards if we trust Him to guide us in all we do. Hugs... Danielle