Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Selling Jesus"

There is an definite information overload today, yet I am very thankful for some of the quality resources that exist. My pastor, Rev. Royall, has been encouraging his congregation to check out "The Whitehorse Inn" (http://whitehorseinn.org/index.htm). I did....and have been very impressed, encouraged, and challenged by what I'm reading and hearing so far.

One program I listened to this morning was entitled "Selling Jesus." Here are some of the main highlights that are definite concerns regarding our "Christian" culture / churches today:

~ People are trying to "improve" on the dead Adam rather than allowing Christ to create a new man; our greatest problem is no longer seen as our sin nature.

~ Individuals are turning away from the church and are becoming "self-feeders" rather than sitting under the Word, the sacraments, and the church leadership.

~ Church is being "marketed" and people are claiming to do this in the name of Christ, which is totally contrary to how Christ lived and taught.

I recommend listening to Selling Jesus, May 18, 2008. It's a free download....and you can easily play it as you clean or drive or walk or something.

May we as Churches and Christians preach and share the content of the Gospel!!!

(Scroll down a while...and as you do so you will so a lot of other good information!!!).

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