Sunday, May 04, 2008


"Become a devoted admirer of Christ. The more deeply you appreciate and worship Christ in his perfection, the more confidence you will have in him. You will be less likely to trust in yourself. Rest must be rooted in faith. Don't try to simply plug rest into the problem. Be worshipful."

~ Smith, Winston T. Rest. Greensboro, NC: New Growth Press, 2006.

This is one of the many very powerful quotes from Smith's short booklet on the Sabbath (literally, "cease" or "stop"). I have been once again reminded of the need for Sabbath rest in our lives....Not only is rest commanded / required of God, but it also has profound implications for where our trust lies and how we live our lives.
On what / whom is our rest, trust, and security based?

Side note: "New Growth Press" and "Resources for Changing Lives" both have published some very excellent quality material. I encourage you to take a look...and be prepared to grow!

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