Sunday, February 25, 2007


My heart is "burdened" by the incredible physical need of so many people in this world.
It's easy for me to think of missions more along the lines of social justice.
Definitely, doing justice, showing mercy, helping, feeding, loving, clothing, building, etc. are incredibly large parts of our responsibility as Christians.
However, I am again reminded (through Scripture under the direction of my pastor) how these things are all penultimate in God's kingdom....The ultimate purpose and motivation for missions must be that all peoples would bow in worship of our Redeemer-King...for GOD's GLORY!

The longer I live and learn and study, the more I am reminded that it all comes down to these two things: God's glory, and eyes on Christ. It would take pages to explain what I mean by each of those. I hope to explain a tiny bit more about "eyes on Christ" more in the coming days.

However, it is humbling and refreshing to remember my ultimate purpose is to glorify God, and in doing that, to bring others into true worship of our Creator.


rebekah said...

theresa, do you think if christians DON'T feel a huge burden on their hearts to help those in poverty/the sick etc.--being involved in missions either at home or away--that there is something seriously wrong w/ their faith?

ADasa said...

God's glory and eyes on Christ. Excellent! So true Theresa! D