Tuesday, January 13, 2009

blessed insight

"What do you do all afternoon and evening?!"

This question is sometimes posed by my curious sister, brother, or student, all mystified as to what activities and responsibilities keep me busy (especially since I don't own a T.V.).
As I share with them, they come to a deeper understanding of who I am besides just a sibling or a teacher. It is a conversation of insight.

Likewise, through spending more time with my parents and with people who know them well, I've also received insight into who they are as gifted individuals. I've come to appreciate their unique talents, acts of love, and choices they've made.

The depth of understanding causes me to love them more and to be thankful. Simultaneously, it kindles a desire to continue to learn more about them.

Knowledge that leads to
and love.

The parallel struck me today that just as my siblings and students are curious to know more about me,
and just as I cherish the insight into my parents' lives,
so I also I long to know more about our Great God.

I long to know more about...
...His actions, which awaken wonder and awe.
...His character, might, wisdom, and purposes.
...His love, as displayed through His governing, His Son's sacrifice, His faithfulness to His beloved church, and His daily blessings.

Through His Holy Spirit,
God has awoken a hunger for His Word, where we can so clearly see His acts and His character.
He has deepened an appreciation for the beauty and the mystery of the Creation around us.
He has intensifies thankfulness and wonder.

And the more we know, the more beautiful the knowledge is. The more clearly we will see His hand in the most incredibly tiny details of our lives (providence again!)...and the large and monumental events.
And the more we will long for that revelation.
May we humbly pray for this longing and knowledge as a Church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for a blog update! :-) (Guess I should, too!)
