Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Transition Fun

Things to remember upon returning to Canada after my second year in Honduras:
- The lakes are very cold (compared to the Ocean and Sea surrounding Honduras!)
- Social caution is needed: people in Canada usually don’t greet with the kiss on the check like we do in Honduras! (I had to refrain myself many times!)
- TP can be thrown in the toilet! (I get confused when there isn’t a garbage can near the toilet…and then I remember…)

- The sun is still hot in Canada and I still need sunscreen.
- My family and friends love me no matter how long I’ve been gone! :)


Anonymous said...

You can kiss me anytime!
PS - I do love you no matter where you go and for however long you've gone.

Theresa said...

Thanks...and watch out...zerbert revenge... ;)