Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Only God

Slowly savour the grandeur of the only, True God!

...there is a single
and simple
spiritual being,
whom we call God -


completely wise,
and good,
and the overflowing source
of all good.

The Belgic Conession, Article 1: The Only God

Friday, March 24, 2006


What a busy week (and coming weekend....). Report cards, extra-curricular activities, Honduran-law requirements of recuperations exams, coordinating surprise baby showers...I feel like there are so many details constantly on my mind!

Details. It made me think of God's creation. SOOO many intricate, tiny, perfectly placed and planned details. Wow!
Creation constanly reminds us of God's power, presence, and upholding nature!

I was blown away when I saw these iguanas upclose while in Roatan. After a saga of events, my family finally made it to this little iguana farm. It is owned by a sister and brother trying to preserve the iguanas, which are eaten by many local people.

What neat creatures. Complex skin patterns, creative design, amazing mobility (able to move rather quickly on land and also to "lay" in the tops of very high trees to sun themselves).

I am thankful that all little details are truly in larger, wiser hands than my own!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I wrote this reflection two weeks ago, but for some reason it seemed fitting to share today.

Ponder: March 5, 2006

Desperate bleats pierce the silence:
weary pleas for help.
Bloodstained wool and torn ligaments evidence the self-imposed trauma of the lost lamb.
Vulnerable to prey,
he can fight no longer.
Cold loneliness envelops him
as he lets out another cry of angst.
The lamb acknowledges his troubles
and shamelessly begs for the shepherd’s firm, guiding hand.

Weary, stained, and soiled,
A heart and conscience marked with guilt.
As I approached God’s house for communal worship,
I was only too aware of my poignant need for grace.
That recognition itself was evidence of grace!
“…my heart and flesh cry out for the Living God” (Psalm 84:2b).

Communion Sunday.
Immediately an extra wave of remorse washed upon me.
Yet the Holy Spirit moved me to deep repentance,
and my soul found refuge, not condemnation.
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8)

Ultimate physical and spiritual suffering heaped upon Christ.
For me and for all who trust.

The peace and comfort was unprecedented!
Christ’s physical agony was in our place.
Christ’s purifying blood ran down for our sin.

Life-giving refreshment.

on behalf of the lost sheep;
the essence of matchless love.
Be refreshed this Lord’s Day, and on each succeeding day,
and pray for God’s Spirit to work powerfully within you.

“…This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me….This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24b, 25b).

Revelation 7:10b, 12
"Salvation belongs to our God,

who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb."

Praise and glory
and wisdom and thanks and honor
and power and strength
be to our God for ever and ever.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Family Focus

It appears I need to be more faithful in my blog! Some of you have told me you've been checking...and checking....I'll try to make it a goal to write once or twice a week and to include a picture each week. :) But without further adieu....

MY Honduras
(minus photographer Phil).
We are standing in front of the Carribean Sea backdrop in Roatan (on one of our many adventures!).

The thirteen years between Bethany and I seem less and less relevant. We had an amazing time bonding together. :)

Mom and Dad on the ferry to Roatan
If you ignore the seven kids in the backgroud, you can almost imagine this is thier 25th anniversary trip (the original thought).

Hidden Treasures
Steven and I did the most snorkeling...and we observed a huge variety of amazing sea life! This was a beautiful starfish we swam across. The locals said it wouldn't hurt the fish to take it out of the water for a little while.

I can't wait to share more of our adventures! :)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


“True spirituality consists in living moment to moment by the grace of Jesus Christ.”
Francis Schaeffer

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tastes and Treasures

Life is full of new experiences and adventures! As God opens my eyes to His world around me, I am continually amazed by the beauty, boldness, brokenness...and blessings!

I'm honoured to have the opportunity to reflect and reminisce in your hearing...and trust you will hold me accountable in my journey as well! :)

Blessings! Theresa.


Here is something I wrote about a year ago.
I needed a good reminder as I read through it, and thought that maybe it could encourage you as well!
~ Theresa ~

Ponder: May 2, 2005
Head-strong, full out determination.
Eyes on the goal, shifting neither left nor right.
Focus, power, every movement in purposeful unison.

This was my “strategy” when I ran competitively, and for many years it brought much success.
It’s a decent technique if you run track or cross country.
But for life?

I suppose it depends on your goal, if there is one at all.
Unfortunately, I find myself “running” in many other areas of my life besides sports.
Running head-strong in my teaching.
Running full force in relationships.
In knowledge, in talents, in compassion….
Yet without a clear goal, the running turns into frenzied, panicked lunges and surges.
Especially if I try to do it alone.

Israel struggled with this too.
In Isaiah 30, God reprimands His people for wrongly making an alliance with Egypt.
He identifies their actions for what they are: sin.
Israel thought they would find their own solutions to problems.
Their eyes and ears were focused, but on the wrong goal.
Focused on Egypt rather than on God’s revelation to them.

God chastises them for their wayward hearts.
In the midst of His words to them lies this verse:
“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
‘In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it’ ” (Is. 30:15).


It’s time I stop my “running.”
And rest, in Him.
Maybe you, too, have your own “Egypt” to whom you run.
God commands us to stop our “frenzied running.”
His arms are open; His promise stands true.

“Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (Isaiah 30:18)